As per our workshop a lot of people mentioned the circle, circle of life, being human, simple, organic and fluid shape. Based on those feedback, this concept was designed to show the idea of a Living Design System that is always evolving, moving and it is organic and fluid.
It takes the concept from Earth as Chroma is a system with people and FOR people at IAG. It is our IAG Foundation with a human-centered approach hence why this fluid shape.
Scientifically we always find circles, fluid, curving shapes more pleasing and it creates a positive emotional feeling. We know that humans are more attracted to curvilinear shapes than angular shapes, something backed by several recent studies. Our point is a logo is not just about how it looks, it is also about the story and how it feels.
This concept uses gradients to create that vibrancy and that human feeling like a pulse morphing (see anim to show concept).
It is also reinforcing the idea of we are digital first.
We used a humanist and tech Sans Sherif typeface made for the medium.
We used the purple and that circle shape to feel it is an extension of IAG identity.